Market Clustering Model
La Lorraine Bakery Group
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
The Challenge
The Approach
The Impact

We developed a global “market clustering model” and expansion roadmap based on potential and accessibility.

  • To create a 'market clustering' model and roadmap for geographic expansion based on market attractiveness and ease of access
  • Offline audit of all available data and insights complemented with insights available within the broader Chosen network
  • Creation of draft market clustering model, LLBG alignment and market clusters  
  • Defining high and low-potential markets within each cluster and creating transparent lead market(s) recommendations per cluster
  • Straightforward and pragmatic consumer-centric market clustering model that creates scale for LLBG but that still reflects local realities
  • Clear overview of current and future potential by market, complemented with precise penetration, frequency or trade-up opportunities